Woodworking Machines, for industry, your buisines or hobby. Jointer, planer, thicknesser, brushing machine, sanding machine, tenoner, mortiser. Circular saw, Panel saw, Miter saw, Beam saw, combined machines, edgebanders, presses, etc. Over 1000 machines from the category Carpentry machines bring you a wide selection and the possibility of finding just the kind of machine that really suits you.
Woodworking Machines are located in Macvanska Mitrovica, 32B Zarka Vucinica Street (part of city of Sremska Mitrovica), Serbia. The machines are in very good condition and can be tested in operation. Transportation is at the customer’s expense, but everything will be loaded on the customer’s vehicle free of charge after the purchase in our company.

Linija za nastavljanje
Linija za nastavljanje – Finger joint, nastavljacica. Spajanje “finger joint” je tehnika obrade drveta koja…